In compliance with the provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the Protection of Personal Data, pursuant to art. 12 and 13, this document is intended to provide all necessary information relating to the processing of personal data of the users.

Data Controller

Pursuant to art. 4, paragraph 7, the Data Controller of personal data is:

Hinovia Srl with headquarters in Via Siora Andriana del Vescovo, 5/c – 31100 Treviso.

Purpose of the processing

The data collected through this.TRIPSY AWAY platform are processed for the purposes related to the management of the platform dedicated to all users who need a transfer or overnight service, who require registration, and in particular for:

  • Management of activities related to registration and authenticated access to the user’s reserved area.
  • Management of activities related to user interaction within the platform, where you can book a vehicle rental service with driver or overnight.
  • This interaction may involve, with prior consent, the communication by publication in a dedicated section, of the identification data (name and surname) and of the e-mail address.

Provision of data and legal basis of the processing

Pursuant to Art. 6 of the (EU) Regulation, the processing is lawful as it is necessary for the correct and complete execution of the contractual or pre-contractual obligations assumed towards you, and as such, does not require consent to the processing of data. The provision of data is necessary to satisfy the request for registration and interaction within the platform by the interested party and to perfect the relationship between the parties.

Type of personal data collected

The personal data collected through the contact form relate precisely to personal and contact data (name, surname, company, telephone number, e-mail address).

Hinovia Srl does not deliberately collect any information belonging to the category of “particular data”.

Processing methods

The processing of data may consist, in addition to their collection, in their registration, storage, consultation, processing, modification, comparison, use, communication, cancellation and will be with the aid of electronic IT tools, through the adoption of adequate measures. security measures to guarantee the protection of personal data.

The Data Controller will process personal data in a lawful, correct and transparent manner, in compliance with the principles established by the General Regulations on the Protection of Personal Data, guaranteeing the protection of personal data and fundamental rights and freedoms.

The data collected will not be used in contexts or for uses and / or purposes other than those indicated above or which may, in any way, compromise the rights and freedoms of the interested parties.

Communication of data to third parties

The subjects who may become aware of personal data, within the limits strictly necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purposes, are subjects authorized to process personal data by Hinovia Srl.

For the performance of the aforementioned purposes, the Data Controller turns to external subjects and / or companies to whom it sends the necessary data and in particular:

  • Subjects who provide professional services related to the management and organization of the TRIPSY AWAY platform.
  • Subjects in charge of the IT management of the web platform.

The subjects belonging to the categories listed above operate, in some cases, in total autonomy as separate Data Controllers, in other cases, as Data Processors specifically appointed by Hinovia Srl in compliance with Article 28 of the GDPR.

A list of external Managers appointed can be consulted at the Headquarters of the Data Controller.

Transfer of data outside the EU

The Data Controller does not directly transfer data outside the European Union.

Conservation times

Your personal data will be processed for the time necessary to pursue the aforementioned purposes.

Rights of the interested parties

Pursuant to the European Regulation, interested parties have the right to ask the Data Controller for access to personal data (Article 15), rectification (Article 16), cancellation of the same or oblivion (Article 17) , the limitation of the processing of personal data concerning him (Article 18), the right to data portability (Article 20) or to oppose their processing (Article 21), as well as the right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning him or which significantly affects his person in the same way (Article 22). If the processing of personal data is based on the express consent of the interested party, pursuant to art. 7 paragraph 3 of the Regulations, the subject has the possibility to revoke his consents at any time.

The interested party also has the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority in charge (Article 77 of the Regulations) if he considers that the processing carried out by the Data Controller is not compliant.

Requests may be made to the Data Controller in the following ways:

  • Sending a registered letter to the address: Via Siora Andriana del Vescovo, 5 / C – 31100 Treviso.
  • E-mail to the e-mail address: or
  • by contacting the Data Protection Officer:

Data Protection Officer

Adress: Via Siora Andriana del Vescovo, 5/C – 31100 Treviso.

Phone: + 39 0422 1860100